Friday, May 7, 2010

Creating silhouettes...

Today I just had to try this!

This is SO cool, Amy from

Positively Splendid
shows how to turn pictures into silhouettes using Photoshop.

(Warning: once you have started to look at her blog, you will probably stay there quite a while, since she has so many awesome ideas. That happened to me a few days ago. So don't tell me I didn't warn you ;) )

Rather than cutting out a 'traditional' silhouette, this gives you an image that you can use over and over again. So you can use it to make cards, create wall art, use it on your blog, as your email signature, just whatever you can come up with!

Just LOVE this idea!!!


  1. I am so, so glad you have enjoyed my tutorial! Your silhouettes turned out great! Thanks so much for the link

    By the way, the idea to use the images as your email signature is brilliant!

    Happy Mothers' Day,

  2. When my mother took my sister and me to the World's Fair in New York City many, many years ago (yeah, the early 60s...I'm that old) she had a man cut silhouettes of us. It amazed me how he worked. I love this new-fashioned method of doing the same thing! Your silhouettes are adorable!
