Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Flower Cupcakes

It's so easy to make these white chocolate flowers.
I just melted vanilla chips in the microwave, stirred it, put the melted chips (careful, that is HOT!!!) in a Ziploc baggie, cut off a small corner, and created flower shapes on wax paper. Then, before it got hard, I put some sprinkles on the flowers.
Once they are hard (that goes pretty fast) you can use them to decorate the cupcakes. You could also make them ahead of time.
A very easy way to make simple cupcakes look really cute!


  1. Really? That's chocolate?? I thought they were odd-shaped pretzels. Well done! And now I'm hungry for a snack. Thanks for linking up!

  2. that is too cool! i would have never known. i am making these ASAP! Thank you so much for this tutorial. :) I am your newest follower by the way.Hope to hear from you soon

  3. Hi! I found you through Night Owl Crafting and I love your blog! Great idea to use chocolate shapes to decorate cupcakes...I love it:)

    I am your newest follower!
