Friday, January 21, 2011

Flower Baby Hats

 We are expecting our third little girl! (And that's why I haven't been blogging as much as usual during the previous months. This time I have felt very tired and nauseated for months, way longer than with my other 2 girls. But the nausea has finally disappeared, and I am not as tired anymore. Hurray!)

I am excited to have another girl, and lately I have been LOVING these cute crochet flower hats that you seem to see everywhere. 
So, of course, I had to give it a try, and I have to say: it is pretty addicting!

I am still a beginner, but I can handle some basic stitches. I used this pattern, but I have to say that I have the feeling I am doing something wrong, since I seem to end up with more stitches than I should. 
Also, I wasn't quite sure how to make the ruffled edge the way it was done in the pattern, so I just did my own thing. But that didn't keep me from having fun...

I hope she likes to wear hats! :)

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