Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reece's Rainbow

While checking out blogs about Down syndrome, it didn't take long before I found some links to "Reece's Rainbow". 

"The mission of Reece's Rainbow is to rescue orphans with Down syndrome through the gift of adoption, to raise awareness for all of the children who are waiting in 25 countries around the world, and to raise funds as adoption grants that help adoptive families afford the high cost of adopting these beautiful children."

On their site, you can find so many little ones with Down syndrome in other countries, waiting to be adopted. 
It is heartbreaking to see and realize that the majority of these children ended up for adoption simply because they have Down syndrome.

I think, though hard, it is good to go to their site and see for yourself how many kids are waiting for a home.
And, like they say on their site:

"Even if you are not in a position to adopt or fund a child's adoption, there are countless ways to help these sweet children…."

Go HERE to see how.

I think that they are doing a great job, and have been following several blogs where people have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, one of these little ones. 
I might share some about that later this month.

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