Monday, October 17, 2011

Things I wish I would have known when our baby got diagnosed with Down syndrome - Part 1

I think we have come a long way this last year.

It's almost exactly a year ago now that we had the ultrasound that showed that our little girl might have Down syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality. 
It took over a month before we knew for sure what was going on.

Now, a year later, there are some things I wish I would have known back then. 
So in case someone who is in the same boat as we were, reads this, or someone who knows people who are going through this, I thought it would be useful to share.
Of course, every person is different, situations might be different, but I hope this can be helpful and encouraging.

Did you know there are a lot of families that have a child with Down syndrome that decided to adopt another one? 
If it would be really that hard, I think nobody would be able to do that!

Some blogs that I really find interesting and encouraging are:

This family has 3 adorable kids, the youngest two have Down syndrome.
They adopted their youngest girl from Russia.

The following blog is very inspiring, too:

They have 3 kids, including Ben who has Down syndrome.
They are in the process of adopting Davis, who has Down syndrome, too.
These international adoptions are expensive, so they can use any help they can get!

Grab This!

Isn't he cute?

I love the fact that their mom, Amy, even has the room for him and his bigger brother ready already.
She is very crafty and has great taste.
You can look at the room that is waiting for him HERE.

I also love the following blog:
Confessions of the chromosomally enhanced

The writer of this blog has an older sister who has Down syndrome.
In 2010, she and her husband decided to adopt Josie, who has Down syndrome, too.
This blog is about Josie and her aunt Leanne. I like the subtitle: "A Diary of Dual Downs Divas".

There are so many more blogs out there of people who know first hand what it means to live with someone who has Down syndrome, and then go on to adopt a child with Down syndrome.

Wish I would have known that a year ago, that would have been very encouraging...

1 comment:

  1. hi mariska!
    thanks so much for your kind words about our family!
    i'm enjoying reading your "things i wished i could have known" series.
    oh, if only i could go back and tell my old self all the awesomeness that would come from ben's birth!
