Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Owl Transformation

I found this owl at the dollar store (Dollar Tree).
To be honest: I thought it was pretty ugly, but since I am decorating the room of our youngest with owls, I saw some potential. The shape was OK, and there was nothing that a little paint couldn't fix.

Even the cashier had her opinion about them,
mumbling something about "ugly little creatures" when she put them in the bag.
I even bought 3 of them, so I mentioned that I was going to paint them and use them to decorate my daughter's room. 
Not sure what she thought of me :)

Anyway, this is what they turned into after a little bit of TLC:

Three owls that exactly match the new colors and fabrics of her room.
It was pretty simple, and hardly cost anything.
Want to do your own ugly figurine transformation?
All I did was paint the owls with some craft paint (two layers).
Then, I cut some fabric scraps to cover their wings and belly, 
and glued them in place with Mod Podge.
Simple, right?!


  1. Wow, they look great. I just bought both owls they had at Dollar Tree. The other owl was even uglier. I spray painted them. I wish I were crafty enough to do this. :( I could barely spray paint them with out making a mess. Great job! The green one is my favorite!

  2. your owls are so much fun!!! so now i know of 4 of us (including your above commenter) that have transformed these dollar store owls. I wonder how many there really are out there!
