Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall leaf mobile - and a blog to check out

Inspired by the mobile in this post of "Enjoying the small things",
I decided to copy her idea.

Super easy, but I really like the results.

 I cut out some leaves out of colorful cardstock.
I used my Big Shot, but you could also draw and cut them by hand,
or trace a template or real leaves.

Then I poked some holes in the leaves, and used a needle and some crochet thread to connect the leaves, and tied them to a branch. 

And, since this month I am blogging to raise awareness for Down syndrome,
I might as well point out that the blog where I found my inspiration for this mobile,
"Enjoying the small things", is a blog that was very encouraging to me 
when we had just found out that the little girl we were expecting had Down syndrome.
Just reading about the life of this family, and how this mom had also feared that things would never be 'normal' again, 
and seeing how they simply kept 'enjoying the small things' was just what I needed.

If you're new to her blog, Nella's birth story is probably the first thing I would recommend you to read. 

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