Friday, May 20, 2011

Matching summer skirts for THREE girls!

I love to have my girls wear matching clothes. But with more kids, it is definitely not easier, since I have to get their clothes in different departments of the store. So am slowly giving up on the idea of have them wear matching clothes all the time...

I decided for a happy medium, and have this one matching set for my 3 girls by making my own.
(And no, I am NOT going to make them a lot of matching sets, making something times 3 takes a lot of time ;) )

But I am happy with the way these turned out!

Baby sister:

Big sister 1:

Big sister 2:
 (The oldest, somehow this skirt appears smaller in this picture, but it is not.)

Love the patterns and colors!

I linked up to Tea Rose Home.


  1. Love these. What a wonderful set!

  2. Very cute! Maybe you could do a tutorial?
    I've started making things for my girls but likewise, it takes ages! Havent tried matching ones yet but you have inspired me now ;)

  3. those are adorable! I love the way you made them all just different enough, but clearly coordinated.

  4. Your girls will love it! I love how they all coordinate and the colors are perfect for summer!

  5. Super cute! I bet they love to match! :)

  6. These are seriously so cute!! I love the material that you used- perfect for summer!
    I am your newest follower- and I would love to have you follow me too!
    Camille @

  7. Cute! Come to join our link party

  8. how fun!!! this is soo awesome:) LOVE it

  9. Oh my word... TOO cute! Red + sky blue is my favorite color combination! :)
