Sunday, June 12, 2011

Flower Party

With a newborn in the house, I am sort of behind with pictures, but just thought I'd share some pictures to show what we did at the birthday party we had for our oldest!

Some cupcakes for her classmates and our family birthday party...

And different ones for the kids' party...

Party favors  

With tags that match these party invitations

More party favors that double as decoration

Little purses to decorate ...

with rubber stickers

 We made our own party leis...

with flowers I punched out of tissue paper with my BigShot and straws...


  1. These are all so beautiful! Thanks for the sweet comment in my blog. Btw, I'm admiring all your creativity here so I hope that you can join us in my Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  2. Hi Mariska... It's nice to "meet" you! :) What a fun looking party!! Those cupcakes look adorable, and I'm so sure they had a blast decorating those bags and making the leis! Too fun! :)
