Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crochet Owl Hat

During a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG airplane ride I needed something to keep me
 entertained (besides the girl pictured above and her big sisters).
A crochet project seemed great: something portable, and something 
that just takes a little more time than I would normally take for a project. 

I had seen some pictures of similar hats online,
and since it basically consists of very basic shapes,
I decided no tot use an pattern, but just piece it together.

My daughter was conveniently close,
so occasionally I would try if I was still on track regarding her size.

It was a fun project, but took quite a bit of time, since there are a lot of pieces,
 that all need to be finished, and then the whole thing needs to be put together. 

But it was a fun project to keep me busy!

And as you can see, she had a LOT of fun modeling it for me.

Still blogging in the "31 for 21" challenge to raise awareness for Down syndrome.
If you want to read more about that, click the button on my side bar,
or the tab "Down syndrome" on the top of the page.

I linked up to Sarahndipities.

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