Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scenic route

I read this inspirational quote in a newsletter we received.

The author is unknown as far as I can find. Please correct me if I am wrong...

The picture above is my own. Feel free to print it for personal use.

So far this has been so true!
We have to work a little harder to get our little one to do certain things,
but once she does them, she makes us so proud.
And if she adds one of her huge grins to it, that's even better!


  1. Love this! I would love to re-post this on my blog, if you don't mind. Or on FB. Thanks for sharing and putting it with such a beautiful photo.

  2. Feel free to re-post it! The quote is not mine, if you use the picture I would appreciate it if you would link back to my blog. Thank you!

  3. I came across this quote and picture on Pinterest and thought--how cool--I wrote that on my website! And it was posted in a newsletter and you added the picture and blogged it and people are pinning it. My website is
    It's on the home page. If you don't mind I'll add the picture to my site and a link to your blog next time I update it. Blessings! Dayna

  4. Dayna, feel free to add the picture and link to your site! Thanks for visiting!
